

Welcome to Anshei Darom, the southeast region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs. Our affiliated clubs live in Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, and Texas.

SHARING LIGHT FOR REMEMBRANCE – Light the Yellow Candle, Wednesday Night, April 27,2022 | Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (fjmc.org)

Recent Posts

The 2024 FJMC Anshei Darom Region retreat was held at Camp Ramah Darom on March 1-3. The retreat was very well attended by around 50 members of more than 12 different men’s...

On Sunday morning of February 11 the men’s club of Temple Beth-El gathered with the children of the congregation to teach them about the mitzvah of tefillin.


FJMC and the Anshei Darom Region are pleased to announce the affiliation of the Temple Emanu-El Brotherhood of Dallas, Texas. The Emanu-El Brotherhood Club has been gathering since 1922 and...

On Sunday, January 14th, Etz Chaim’s Men’s Club sponsored three events, coordinated by Bart Agrow. “The Best Breakfast In Town” was held in the Hammer-Tritt Social Hall. About a dozen...