

Welcome to Anshei Darom, the southeast region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs. Our affiliated clubs live in Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, and Texas.

SHARING LIGHT FOR REMEMBRANCE – Light the Yellow Candle, Wednesday Night, April 27,2022 | Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (fjmc.org)

Recent Posts

On the evening of Wednesday, April 7th, 2021 members of the Greater Knoxville Jewish Men’s Club attended the Community-wide Yom HaShoah Observance at the Arnstein Jewish Community Center. For many...

The Anshei Darom Region of the FJMC is looking for a volunteer to maintain our online presence. We would prefer that this person be a member of a men’s club...

We have created a private group on LinkedIn that is for members of our region only. The purpose is for professional networking. http://ansheidarom.com/group


Every two years men from all over the United States, Canada & The World travel to attend the FJMC’s International Convention. This year you have a special opportunity to join...

By Meir Niad, GKJ Men’s Club Co-founder & EVP of the Anshei Darom Region The pandemic may have limited our activities, but it has not ended our commitment. A men’s...